cover image: The Indian Review  November  1932  A Monthly Periodical devoted to the discussion of all topics of Interest



The Indian Review November 1932 A Monthly Periodical devoted to the discussion of all topics of Interest


Dealing first with " paramountcy " the position was recognised that in the subjects to be federalised the respective rights and obligations of the States as units of the Federation of the Federal Government and of the Crown would be clearly defined in the Constitution and that in this field the relations would be strictly contractual and there would be no room for the exercise by the Crown [...]. The great systems of the past had an adequate sense of the vastness of the universe and the mysteries of the soul." Accordingly the aim of Professor Radhakrishnan in his latest book* as in his early book " The Reign of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy" is to show the inadequacy of the logical intellect to apprehend the highest truth to point out the weaknesses of Vdern philosophic syst [...] III What are the conclusions of such a science ? What are the affirmations of the true philosophy of religion which has reverently studitd th% teachings of the Upanishads the dialogues of Buddha the parables of Christ the utterances of Mohamed the sayings of Rain akrishna Paramahamsa and the recorded experiences of many a Plotinus and St. [...] As the blessed Sanatkumara says in the Chandogya Upanishad : " The Atman is indeed below and above ; the Atman is to the west ftnd to the east ; the Atman is to the south and% the north. [...] Very recently a collection of opinions expressed by the Fellows of the Royal Society on the subject of their religious beliefs made by the Christian Evidence Society gives an unbiased account of the results of a questionnaire consisting of six queries sent out by the So'ciety to all the Fellows of the Royal Society on the subject of their religious beliefs.
government politics public policy
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
Sir Ronald Ross
761-762 Russell view
Prospects of Federation
763-764 unknown view
A Hindu Philosopher ’ s Defence of Religion
764-767 D.S. Sharma view
India and the Empire at Ottawa
767-768 J.D. Paul view
Upton Sinclair
769-770 J. Tunga view
Science and Religion
771-772 K.V. Giri view
Love Stronger than Death
772-776 Basudeo Metta view
Omar: the Discriminator
777-783 Ahmed Shafi view
The Evolution of the Universe a Leaf from Cosmogony
784-784 M.K. Gopaliengar view
Indian Affairs
785-787 unknown view
World Events
788-789 A.J. Saunders view
Trade and Finance
790-791 Srivas view
Diary of the Month
792-792 unknown view
The World of Books
793-796 unknown view
Indian States
797-799 unknown view
Indians Overseas
800-800 unknown view
Topics from Periodicals
801-808 unknown view
Multum in Parvo
809-832 unknown view