cover image: The New Review  August 1948



The New Review August 1948


It was during the nth and i3th centuries that the purpose and function of the state were examined in the light of the teachings of a universal Church. [...] The Alternatives The leaders of the `Christian current' within CGIL see the present labor sitution as offering 3 possibilities for action: i. To maintain the present unity of the labor movement with the intention of rpeating within the CGIL the victory that has just been won over the Communists in the political sphere. [...] 4. In Hungary the Catholic Primate Cardinal Mindszenty has threatened to ecommunicate those who support the plan of the Moscow-controlled Government for nationalizing the schools on the ground that it is only the first step towards the elimination of religion and the imposition of an anti-Christian philosophy. [...] Her submission to Moscow was decreed in the same secret deals with Stalin which delivered the Poles the Serbs the Slovenes the Hungarians the Rumanians the Bulgars the Estonians Latvians Lithuanians and Finns to Communist domination and may yet bring the Autrians Germans and Chinese behind the Iron Curtain. [...] THE RED REBEL The case was patent and the Cominform meeting in Rumania openly charged Tito and two of his ministers with 'nationalism' and `Trotzkyism% the deadly sins of the84 THE NEW REVIEW Red decalogue and deliberately instructed the comrades to change the Communist leaders in Yugoslavia.
Published in
United Kingdom
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i A.S.J. Lallemand view
From the World of Journals
i-viii unknown view
This Side and that
77-84 unknown view
Soeren Kierkegaard’s Existentialism
85-97 R. Smet view
“East Goes to the East”
98-109 M.C. Mukherji view
Method of Mahatma Gandhi
110-120 V.G. Aiyer view
On the Problem of Production
121-125 P.D. Hajela view
Sarat Chatterjee on Himself
126-132 K. Mukherjee view
The Madras Public Libraries Bill 1947
133-145 R. Chinnathambi view
A Plea for Social Awareness
146-150 Biyenbee view
Some Recent Books
151-152 unknown view
i-i unknown view

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