cover image: Education  January 1933



Education January 1933


Outside India and particularly in England the whole system of school education has been undergoing remarkable transformation due to the irresistible demands of the teaching profession put forth year after year in such gatherings as the Conference of Educational Associations and of the National Union of Teachers and in the natural process of evolution the New Education Fellowship has deveiope [...] My dear friends this was the sort of vision which the most sensible thinkers of the world were having after the war when the worlsoul was in deep anguish and when the shattered human institutions of all the belligerent countries stood in the greatest need of a better reconstrution. [...] There is no danger of our"( 7 ) cultural land-marks being swept away and our youths debarred from inherting the blessings of the past for in our existing system we have nothing of these worth mentioning; in fact in the coming order of things the permnent treasures of our past will have to be expressly and widely introduced and diffused for the building of the complete life-structure of the [...] The technique of examination must accordingly be so developed that it keeps abreast of the process of humanising and broadening the course of study in the primary school..." May I draw the attention of the teachers of the lower classes in all types of our schools and of the Inspecting staff too to the basic ideas of reorganisation instruction and examination which should guide the work at the p [...] Such work in a school has the additional advantage 'that it enables the teachers to bring out the relation between general studies and occupation between life and livelihood Here in a brief space and in the clearest of terms are set forth the fundamental principles of Secondary education and some of the suggestions are such that teachers and headmasters even if the curriculum continues to be
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
Presidential Address
1-22 D.N. MukerJee view
Educating for Freedom in Thought and Action
22-28 Ellen Howe view
Schools and School-Life in Switzerland
28-32 Marie Widmer view
The Teaching of History in Schools
32-34 Vitasta Fida view
Replicas of Coins and Inscriptions for Illustrating History Lessons
34-35 J.C. Price view
Talkies of Teachers
36-37 unknown view
Education News Bulletin
37-40 unknown view
41-44 unknown view
Editorial Notes
44-47 unknown view
U. P. Secondary Education Association
47-51 unknown view
51-51 unknown view
I. Activities in the Ratan Sen High School Bansi
52-52 unknown view
II. Ramsay High School. Almora
52-54 unknown view
i-i unknown view

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