cover image: The Kalpaka  India’s only Psychic and Spiritual Review  July 1924



The Kalpaka India’s only Psychic and Spiritual Review July 1924


For what is it after all but the enStin.; of the bilical cord of Life ?—the releasing of the cable which has bound us to the Earth and which has sustained us during the period of growth into the Future World of Spirit P Now to Wilde's style. [...] Let me refer interested readers to the books of Havelock Ellie Krafft-Ebing Moreau and Raffolovich; It should be as much a part of our training to undestand the aberrations of the sexual impulse as to study the philosophi of social economy! Oscar Wilde was the son of a wonderfully gifted woman: " Speranza" the Irish poetess and patriot. [...] (See the opening and unpublished portion of the manuscript which was deposited in the archives of the British Museum.) But Wilde was only willing to concede the justice of his sentence in the interpretation that punishment must come from himself: His.dectrine had been a pernicious one: in essence that the only way to rid the soul of a temptation is to yield to it. [...] In the clothes man wears how few realize that they rare °rule! physical appearances or rpresentations in variety of what the ego think; and feels was mile man is in the idea of unity or what the mina is in the differentiation of its thought or what this fashion of clothes both material corporeal and mental is to the etheric or spiritutle form or the idea of personality which is neither [...] Thus the path of devotion to God's aspect of Beauty comprehends the path of Yoga arri forms the funda rental structure for the building of the superstructure of man's F.-13m; of 4 ippil2s.3.
philosophy religion
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
At the Heart of Nature
289-290 T.L. Vaswani view
Live to be a Hundred
291-295 J. Severn view
The Spirit Return of Oscar Wilde
296-309 J.M. Young view
The Mind’s Mastery Through Simplified Psychology
310-312 C.E. Kiplinger view
313-316 J.C.F. Grumbine view
The Beauty Aspect of the Almighty
317-318 P.V.S. Iyengar view
319-323 Ruby Remont view
Talismans Amulets and Zodiacal Gems; the Alchemy of Precious Stones
324-327 Artie Blackburn view
The Law of Suggestion
328-328 Victor Bois view
329-330 R.E. Dutton view
Studies in Psychology
331-334 Ivi view
335-336 unknown view

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