cover image: The Cosmspolitan March 1928



The Cosmspolitan March 1928


The efficiency of the Faculties therefore depend entirely on the constitution of the Senate ; unless every Siihjeet fatigift by the University gets a fair representation On the Senate in the per'sdii of the College and University_ teachers the Faculties are bound to stiffer in efficiency and usefinness. [...] But what a‘wide difference in Outlook behveeri the Maharajah and the Association of Indians ! We have full faith in the sanity of the Afghan ruler to choose his own course but the ventilation of India's aspirations at this stage of her struggle for freedom comes quite in the course of nature and the Hindusthan Association is to be Congratulated on the able and outspoken manner of the appeal to the [...] Amery said in moving the second reading of the Silt in the Commons on the high road of political and economic develoment The memorandum issued by the elected members of the combined Court of British Guiana explaining 'their strong protests and objections to the Various statements and conclusions of the Report" of the Parliamentary eointhisiiem On Vithipse report the bill is based and to the f [...] I would throw the doors of the Schools open to the repr.esentatives of the parents on a fixed day in the week."218 THE COSMOPOLITAN would welcome all the opportunities to meet the parents in leagues or in conferences. [...] I would make the Progress Report of the boys not a part of the dull routine of the Schools as it is but an object of value to serve as a mile-stone to measure the progress of the Scholar.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i unknown view
199-212 unknown view
Birth Control News and Views
213-214 N.S. Phadke view
The Teachers’ Vocation
215-218 Ramnarain Misra view
Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism
219-220 K.P. Purkayastha view
After Death
221-225 P.K. Majumdar view
In Memoriam Thomas Hardy — the Novelist & Poet
226-231 Sukumar Dutt view
232-234 Vera Upson view
The Death of God
235-238 N.S. Phadke view
Stage Land
239-242 Narendra Mukherji view
Triangle of Love
243-245 Mahendra Dutta view
The Sirens Victim
246-249 M.G. Rowe view
The Conquest of Air
250-252 M.A. Hirad view
The Religion of Vedanta
253-ii Sridhar Majumdar view
Lord Oxford & Asquith
255-256 K.N. Chatterji view
World Current
257-260 unknown view
The Constituents of the Food
261-265 Basanti Sinha view
266-266 unknown view
Physical Culture
267-268 unknown view
The Right Hon’ble Baron Sinha of Raipur
269-270 A.C.G. view
Woman World
271-275 unknown view
Passing Show
276-277 unknown view
Motor Notes
278-i unknown view

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