cover image: The Calcutta Law Journal  Short Notes of Cases  Articles and other Matters  January 16th  1933



The Calcutta Law Journal Short Notes of Cases Articles and other Matters January 16th 1933


C used UT visit the different centres of business and in the course of such supervision tours he.stayed occasionally at%-Madura—one of the places of busiOsess within 'British India—and there resided in the business premises whictad a kitthen and other conveniences of a residential house. [...] The Income Tax Officer sought to assess the joint family in respect of the income received in British India from the foreign businepses On the ground that it was resident is British Iltdia. [...] 'Ay° persors were convicted of the murder of a child or the Patr* and an 0111 sake of jewels on her person. [...] One of the items of evinence relied uponcras evidence that bpth the accused before their arrest made sWtemetits ioethe police either direetly or indirectly through strangers in the presence of the police which led to the discovery of toe jewels: In appeal before the High Court objection was taken to thei admission 8f this evidence' as they were statements to the police duAng investigation.' Thk D [...] A petition was filed before the High Court praying that a writ of Rabe% Corpus may be issued' to the respondents for Production of the petitionel's minor sbn anealio that antinjunction may be issued retaliting the respondents from givitithe said ;on in mania*.
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The Calcutta Law Journal
5-8 Ashutosh Mukerji, Ramendra Majumdar view

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