cover image: The Weekly Bangashree - A Weekly News Chronicle  Wednesday  December 17  1941



The Weekly Bangashree - A Weekly News Chronicle Wednesday December 17 1941


But this special responsibility of India is lost both to the Indians and the Britishers and as such the leaders of both these countries are following the footsteps of Britain in India and have thereby very appreciably harmed the natural fe?tility of the country with the result that a country like India which is destined to save the world is to-day being unable to keep the mouths of her own pe [...] And such assurance from India to the people of the enemy nations will at once change the leadership of the enemy nations from the shoulders of Hitler and Tojo to those of Churchill with the result that England wins a war perpetually with the people of the entire world at her back. [...] If the leaders of India really want the cessation Of wars and the end of exploition for ever they should show how to revive the lost fertility of the land and reform education otherwise neither the wars and exploitation will cease um 523".fiber 17 1941 the Centre and of the Provinces in a body with the pro.' gramme of getting the natural fertility of the soil back... [...] In this way the cabinet of ministers may force THE WEEKLY BANGASHREE the Governors of the provinces to' move the Viceroy and`' through him the British Premier to enable the Indian. leaders to work uninterfered with their programme of raising the natural fertility of the soil. [...] West Coast is Important The bulk of the wealth of the country lies however on the west coast in the form of tin mines and rubber estates and it is on this side of the peninsula that the towns are seen linked up by road and rail from Penang in the north to Singapore in the south.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii Rasik Bhattacharyya view
The Coming Congress
521-523 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
Comments on Contemporary Events
523-524 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
The Way from Lashio to Kumming
525-526 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
Japanese Plan in the Far East
527-527 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
East Prepares its Defences
528-528 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
Malaya an unusual mixture of Primitiveness and Civlilsatlon
529-531 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
Women of China
532-532 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
India’s Great Resources
533-534 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
Slides Lights on Health & Hygiene
534-535 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
Explosives and Explosions
535-536 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
Indian News
536-538 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
Sports Fare
538-539 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
Round the Studio
539-540 Rasik Bhattacharyya view
i-ii Rasik Bhattacharyya view

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