cover image: The Messenger of the Sacred Heart for India  October 1918



The Messenger of the Sacred Heart for India October 1918


It is rather the spiritual training of their candidates for the priesthood that is of graver concern to the bishops ; it is the mastering of their wayward affections to things of earth that is the chiefest business of the seminarians ; it is the transformation of the care-free and though- less school-boy—and that is all the seminarian is as a rule when he begins his course—into the grave humbl [...] I Itt8 may be regarded as a decsive day not only in the history of the reltions between the Orient and tie Occident and in the history of the political expansion of the Portuguese dominions but also in the history of the Catholic Church. [...] About the time of the Portuguese arrival the powerful kingdom of the Bahmani Sultans became dismembeed into five separate Kingdoms—Ahmednagar and Berar on the north Bijapur and Golconda in the south and the petty State of Bidar in the centre. [...] The interest evinced by the Government of Portugal in the propagation of the Faith in the East is clearly illustrated by the large number of Papal bulls and briefs obtained by the Sovereigns of Portugal. [...] For the convenence of a brief sketch like this we shall divide the history of the Church during this period into three sub-periods—(1) 1500 —1534—the Period before the erection of the See of Goa or the Period of the Apostolic Commissaries ; (2) 1534-1557—the Period of the Bishopric of Goa ; and (a) 1557-1600 (or 1610) —the Period of the Archbishopric of Goa.
philosophy religion
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
General Intention for October 1918
347-351 Thomas Barrett view
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
352-355 unknown view
Infirma Hujus Mundi
356-359 Alban Goodier view
Sketches Illustrating the Promises of our Lord to Blessed Margaret Mary
360-362 unknown view
The Catholic Church in India A. D. 1500-1600
363-371 C.J. Varkev view
Truth and Untruth
372-377 unknown view
Book Notes
378-380 Palau view
Interests of the Sacred Heart for India
381-383 unknown view
Points and Lines for Meditation
384-384 unknown view

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