cover image: Vigil - An Independent Political Weekly  Saturday  June 17  1950



Vigil - An Independent Political Weekly Saturday June 17 1950


The Congress Working Committee which met in Delhi a month after the shooting passed the following resolution: The Working Committee records its deep sorrow at the tragedy of the Hijli Detention Camp for detenus resulting in the death of two and injury to 20 detenus. [...] Instead of rooting out the causes of discontent and releasing the detenus and folloing a policy in consonance with the Delhi truce and with the attempts being made to bring about truce between Idia and England the Government have pursued a terrorist policy in Bengal and have now added a new ordinance to their armoury of repression which gives free scope to the police to arrest and detain wi [...] The Congress Working Committee which met in Delhi a month after the shooting passed the following resolution: The Working Committee records its deep sorrow at the tragedy of the Hijli Detention Camp for detenus resulting in the death of two and injury to 20 detenus. [...] But this is nothing new in the British Labour movement—it had its origins in the latter half of the Ninteenth Century and the rcords of those times resound with the controversies beween the Marxists of the Independent Labour party and the Social Democratic Federation and the empircists of the Fabian Society. [...] The rejection by British Socialists of the Marxist theory of value had important practical consquences in the development of the politically organised Labour movement because of the interaction between Marx's economic thinking and the theory of politics based upon his historical materiaism and his doctrine of the class struggle. British Scialism has pointed the way to the achievemen
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
1-3 Krishna Kripalani view
Another Jail Firing
3-4 Krishna Kripalani view
Editorial Notes
4-4 Krishna Kripalani view
Pacifists and Gandhiji
5-7 J. B. Kripalani view
The Cart before the Horse
7-10 J. Vijayatunga view
The Way of Krishnamurti
10-11 A. S. Raman view
India that is Bharat
12-13 Plebeian view
Socialism Revised
14-22 Krishna Kripalani view
i-ii Krishna Kripalani view

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