cover image: Vigil - An Independent Political Weekly  Saturday  January 27  1951



Vigil - An Independent Political Weekly Saturday January 27 1951


It was mainly due to his insistence that spcific safeguards were provided in the Constitution for pr3erving the culture of the adi-..hasis at the same time enaling them to make their full contribution along with the rest of the population to the progress of the country. [...] The Chinese plan urged the immediate withdrawal of U. N. troops from Korea and' of U. S. trnens from Formosa and sug gested a seven-nation conference of the Big Five and of India and Egynt to consider the question of Pking's seat in the U. N. and ether problems of the Far East. [...] Whatever those in auth in the Congress may say to the contrary it is a fact that the election of solid blocs of delegates who were practicaly nominees of the state goernments and of Sri Tandori to the Presidential office were hailed by all the communal papers and spokesmen of the communal elements as the triumph of Hindu nationalism. [...] Faber and Party" is the story of the ipact of the death of a poor working man on the mind of a young society girl on the day of their party. [...] U. S. ASRANI (The author who is an old and tried Congress worker and a member of the U. P. Legislative Council analyses the present distemper of the Congress of which the cure lies in the hands of Congressmen themselves.)January 27 1951 made it the mouth piece of the nation.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
1-3 Krishna Kripalani view
3-i Krishna Kripalani view
The Democratic Front
5-6 J. B. Kripalani view
Nothing New under the Sun
7-9 J. Vijayatunga view
A Word to the A.I.C.C.
10-11 U. S. Asrani view
India that is Bharat
12-21 “Plebeian” view
An International Seminar
21-22 M. G. view
i-ii Krishna Kripalani view

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