cover image: Seventeenth Financial Statement Made Before The legislative Council of His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal Assembled on the 26th March and the 5th April 1909



Seventeenth Financial Statement Made Before The legislative Council of His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal Assembled on the 26th March and the 5th April 1909


" Other causes for the depletion are the rapid growth of expenditure under the heads Police and Education and the very heavy charges incurred in the payment of grain-compensation allowances during the past two years and the current year. [...] years have adversely affected the people over the greater part of The Province; and have both directly as in the case of suspensions and remissions of revenue and indirectly as in the case of receipts from Excise and Stamps checked the normal growth of the Provincial Revenues. [...] the new Presidency Jail the Surgical Block and the new 4th Block at the Medical College and certain other Jail and Court buildings of urgent necessity4 and we have provided a sum of 2 lakhs towards the construction of important feeder roads to the railways in the province. [...] 2. The revised estimate for 1908-09 as now passed on the basis of the actuals of the first ten and in some cases eleven months of the current year is compared in the following table with the sanctioned estimate for the year :— Sanctioned estimate. [...] 2 Bankshall Street by the Commerce and Industry Department of the Government of India. 2 000 Grant for the transfer of buildings occupied by the Superitendent Post Of ice Cuttack to Imperial 5 000 Ditto for the charges in connexion with Captain MoCay's deputation to conduct an inquiry regarding Jail dietaries 7 000 Ditto for the transfer of a portion of the cost of the Calcutta Collecto
government politics public policy
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i-iii C.E.A.W. Oldham view
The Bengal Financial Statement for 1909-10
1-4 unknown view
Part I — General Review.
5-9 unknown view
Part II — Detailed Remarks On The Budget For 1909-10.
10-69 unknown view
Discussion of The Bengal Financial Statement For 1909-10.
69-116 unknown view