cover image: Report of the Committee of the Bengal National Chamber of Commerce  for the Year 1926



Report of the Committee of the Bengal National Chamber of Commerce for the Year 1926


The Chamber made a representation.on the subject to the Governraent of Bengal as also to the Government of India and the final action of the Government of Bengal in the matter of apportionment:of seats is anxiously awaited by the Indian Mercantile -community in general and particularly by the Bengal National Chamber of Commerce. [...] R ailtvoy Rates Advisory Committee.—In March 1926 the Committee of the Chamber addressed the following letter to the President Railway Board Delhi :— "The Committee of the Bengal National Chamber of Commerce feel greatly disappointed at the speech of His Excellency the Viceroy at the inaugtration of the Fourth Session of the Second Legislative Assembly in the course of which is Eicellency ' It [...] The Committee of the Chamber expressed sympathy with the principle underlying the Bill and said :- It is a matter of common knowledge that in Bengal the scarcity of breeding bulls is being keenly felt and the deterioration of the cattle in the provhice is due mainly to that scarcity. [...] Reduction of Stamp Duty on Cheques.—A£ the instance of the Government of India the Government of Bengal had under consideration a proposal to reduce the stamp duty on cheques from one mina to half-au-anna Being asked to express their opinion on the proposal the Committee of the Chamber stated that the present rate of stamp duty on chques constituted an obstacle to the developement of banking h [...] The Committee suggested thairbin view of an expert committee having been appointed by the Board of Trade to examine the provisions of the English Act of 1919 the actual introduction of the Bill in the legislature should await the findings of the said committee.
commerce industry
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Report of the Committee of the Bengal National Chamber of Commerce for the Year 1928
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