cover image: The Opening Gate. 1873-1923  Semicentennial  Thoburn Methodist Episcopal Church  Calcutta



The Opening Gate. 1873-1923 Semicentennial Thoburn Methodist Episcopal Church Calcutta


On the occasion of the anniversary of his first Sabbath in Calcutta while he was meditating on the wonders of the year a messenger brought to him a note containing sixty rupees sent by a poor widow not a member of the church begging him to accept this sum as an offering toward the erection of a new and large church. [...] My decision was made and at the close of the service in the theater that same evening I related the incident and announced that we would forthwith undertake the erection of a buildng large enough t) hold all the people who wished to hear God's word preached.""'9 Nearly two years later on the last day of the year Thoburn dedicated this great church for which the people of his congregation most [...] In 1887 a memorial was sent from the Bengal Conference to the General Conference which led to the establishing by the Church of the order of deaconesses. [...] During my Pastorate the most marked thing along the hue of physical improvement in addition to the building of Thoburn Hall was the rearrangement of the interior of the church the32 building of the platform for and the installation of the pipe organ and the reshaping of the altar. [...] The seamen's work was carried on with the assis-36 Lance of others in the early years of the church with the help of Dr.
philosophy religion
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-v Louise Joyner view
Tribute to Miss Elizabeth Maxey Deaconess of Thoburn Methodist Episcopal Church
1-3 William Buckley view
Beginnings of the Work for English Speaking People in Calcutta
4-v William Taylor view
Letter to Thoburn Church
25-31 J.M. Thoburn view
Memorandum Re: Thoburn Church Calcutta
31-33 Titus Lowe view
“The Honoured Dead”
33-iv Louise Joyner view
Memorial Tablets in Thoburn Methodist Episcopal Church
49-57 Louise Joyner view
Thoburn Church Jubilee—1873-1923
58-58 Louise Joyner view

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