cover image: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan or the Central and Western Rajput States of India



Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan or the Central and Western Rajput States of India


—Makes a lour of his domain.—Seized by the smalpox.—Reaches the court.— Rebellion of the viceroy of Guzzerat and of prince Jungali in the Dekhan.— Picture of the Mogul court at this time.—The beera of foreign service against the rebels described —Refused -by the assembled nobles.—Accepted by the Rahtore prince.—He visits Ajmere which he garrisons.—Meeting at Pooshkur with the Raja of Amber.—P [...] Anathema of the Safi wife of Ajit.—Its fulfilment.—Opinions of the Rajpoots of such inspirations.. CHAPTER XIII.—Accession of Beejy Sing.—Receives at Mairta the homage of his chiefs.—Proceeds to the capital.—The ex-prince Rain Sing forms a treaty with the Maharattas and the Cuchwahas.—Junction of the confederates.—Beejy Sing assembles the clan of the plains of Mairta --Summoned to surrender the [...] —Condition of the aboriginal Jits or Getes.--The number and extensive diffusion of this Scythic race still in majority of the peasantry in Western Rajpootana and perhaps in Northern India --Their pursuits pastoral their government patriarchal their religion of a mixed kind.--List of the Jit cantons of Bikaner at the irruption of Beeka.--Causes of the success of Beeka.--Voluntary surrender of th [...] City of Arore the ancient capital of Sinde —Dynasties of the Socia the Soomura and the Summa princes.—Their antiquity.—Inferred to be the opponents of Alexander the Great and.Menander.—Lieutenant of Walid takes Arore —Omurkotq its history.—Tribes of Sinde and the desert.—Diseases.—Narooa or Guinea-Worm.—Productions animal Ind vegetable of the desert.’Daodpotra.’Itinerary 294 ANNALS OF AMB [...] —Reasons for departing from the rule of succession.—Conduct of the British authorities.—The title of Mohun Sing disputed by the legal heir-presumtive.—Dilemma of the Nazir and his faction.—The threatened disorders prevented by the unexpected pregnancy of one of the queens of Juggut Sing.—Birth of a pothumous son 363xvi SHEKHAWUT FEDERATION.
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-iv James Tod view
i-xvi James Tod view
Annals of Marwar
1-168 James Tod view
Annals of Bikaner
169-207 James Tod view
Annals of Jessulmer
208-279 James Tod view
Sketch of the Indian Desert
280-331 James Tod view
Annals of Amber or Dhoondar
332-372 James Tod view
Shekhawut Federation
372-400 James Tod view

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