cover image: Whispers & Heart-Beats



Whispers & Heart-Beats


Thus it and it alone furnishes the bedrock of the edifice of true religion which consists in the full realisation and practice of this presence and relation and in the attitude and service they necessarily imply and involve. [...] It strikes at the root-blunder of popular Dualism that egregious error which creates a bridgeless gulf between God and man and between man and man and also of Agnosticism -which so often permeates the conception of God"14 WHISPERS AND HEART-BEATS even of many a great thinker of the world perverts it by relegating Him to the region of the unknown and unknowable and in doing so. hopelessly sa [...] The antithesis of matter and spirit of the apparent and the real the evanescent and Ow16 'WHISPERS AND HEART-BEATS abiding vanishes and one synthetic unity—a unity-in-difference—reveals itself the link or unifying factor in this unity being a supreme unity of consciousness which is the Ultimate Reality. [...] This is the testimony of all seers and sages of all saints and prophets and of all sinners too who have ever tasted of the regenerating power of a disciplinary practice of the presence and immanence of God. [...] The surrender or annihilation spoken of is the merging of the finite will in the will of the Infinite which signifies the union of the two — the essential unity-in-duality of the spiriman and the Spirit-God.
philosophy religion
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i-i Srischandra Bhagavatratna view
i-xviii Srischandra Bhagavatratna view
Whispers and Heart-Beats
1-214 Srischandra Bhagavatratna view
i-viii Srischandra Bhagavatratna view

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